After long consideration, finally i made up my mind to revive my blog again. In a brand new place with all my friends together-blogspot...yeah~pok pok. It seem like most of my blogging friends have some common purposes they hope to achieve through blogging. They wish to improve their english proficiency, share their meaningful life with all friends and earn some money! (So far it is only apply to Mr Chyi's case).
Yaya, that is what i want!!! Last time i was too lazy (i guess) and often took busy as my excuse, moreover no friends left me comments (so this time remember to leave comments la) so eventually i gave out blogging. Not to mention, i even forgot i have a blog as well. This time i hope my passion can preserve and friends, please support me ya. Okey, lets embark our exciting and adventurous journey...yihaaa~~~~
Thursday, February 28, 2008
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